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With the rise of cloud meeting services, such as Zoom, the ever-increasing remote workforce and the Coronavirus pandemic, virtual job interviews are becoming more popular, a trend that will likely continue. Although phone interviews are a common stage of the process, virtual job interviews are now likely to involve video and online tests, if required.

Devoid of logistical issues, timely meetings and even actual office spaces, virtual job interviews can be beneficial to employers across many sectors. Even applicant location is less significant with the technological capabilities of the modern day, resulting in the search for talent across the globe.

As an applicant, virtual job interviews save time and money, leaving you to simply prepare. But just in case you need a boost of confidence, here are some top tips for acing a virtual job interview.

Tips for Acing a Virtual Job Interview


As with a regular interview, don’t go into it empty handed! You may be hidden behind a screen but your knowledge and confidence are significant. Double check and see if there was anything you needed to complete prior to the interview, often a quick survey or online test may be completed.

Research the company and position you are applying for; being unaware may make you seem aloof or disinterested. Pay attention to any details you want to find out more about, such as the company origins or specific policies as this may not only impress employers, but also help you in your own decisions about a role.

Know the requirements for your role and whether you fit them – if there are grey areas, prepare points to argue in your favour. Preparing answers for questions is a good way to feel confident and ensure you say all the necessary points. As it is a virtual interview, you could even have points written down in front of you to ensure you don’t miss anything, just try to avoid reading off a script.

Check out BMR Solution’s blog for a variety of guides to different engineering jobs. Each guide highlights the day to day activities and responsibilities of the roles, as well as necessary experience or education, helping you to decipher what employers may want to know.

Do a technical run-through

To make sure your internet can handle a video call or that you have set up your account properly, perform a technical run-through. Although employers are unlikely to judge if anything does go wrong (these things can’t always be helped), it is good to present yourself as prepared and competent.

Get a friend or family to do a trial with you, they won’t judge, but they will likely be honest if things aren’t right. Being assured that your virtual job interview will run smoothly will no doubt give you some more confidence.

Consider the background

Working from home isn’t entirely glamourous, and employers understand most people won’t have a home office or plain walls as the background of their video calls, but first impressions do count, especially for a job interview.

Consider where you can do your virtual job interview, factoring in signal power as well as looks. Do you want your possible future employer to see your childhood bedroom? Or your overflowing washing basket?

While you may be limited, try to find somewhere presentable that you feel comfortable.

Warn others

Especially if you live with others! As cute as it may be to see a child wandering around the room in the background of your video interview, it could put you off your game. Similarly, background noise or interruptions may ruin the interview quality.

If you can, lock your door, let others know when you won’t be available and put your phone on silent. Virtual job interviews will likely be scheduled so you know exactly when to warn others.

Being able to get away and concentrate for your virtual job interview may also be a hint to an employer as to whether you can work well at home too, an option that is ever more prevalent in these times

Dress for the job you want

Obviously, this isn’t always gospel, but at least getting out of pyjamas is important!

Wear what you would for a regular interview or meeting – a shirt, smart top or even a tie. If you aren’t sure or no instruction has been given as to what to wear, go for smart casual.

And yes, you can be comfortable and even get away with doing it in your pyjama bottoms, as long as you can’t see on camera! You may find you have more confidence or feel more professional if you get fully dressed though.

Be yourself

Cliché, but so true!

Employers aren’t just looking for skills or brains to fill roles, they are investing in people and what they bring to the table. During your virtual job interview, don’t be afraid to mention your hobbies or areas of interest; not only might it strike up good conversation, but it may highlight your unique talents and capabilities.

Big yourself up but don’t overexaggerate or lie. If you don’t have the skills or experience you say you do, it will soon become apparent! Employers may be willing to help you with training or experience if this is something you lack.

Learn More with BMR Solutions

At BMR Solutions we match skilled candidates with job roles across engineering and technical industries, helping both employers and applicants get the perfect fit. If you would like to post a vacancy or apply for a job we list, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Good luck!